Tuesday, June 29, 2004

[TILWISHBW] American Airlines Frequent Flier Mileage

It looks pretty clear that the following is true:
1 freq. flier mile = $0.022 USD

at least for American Airlines. This was based on a sidenote they happened to drop at the bottom of a mass mailing they recently sent out regarding donations:

Donations are tax deductible less $.022 per mile earned.
"AAdvantage Miles and the National Park Foundation", email, 6/25/2004

(American Airlines calls their frequent flier miles AAdvantage Miles)

They're asking for a donation which is fully tax deductible by the government, and they're giving you back a few miles for being so swell and contributing to the fund they picked, the National Park Foundation in this case. However, any compensation they give you isn't deductible by you, so you have to back that part out before you mention what you "gave" to the government. So they had to value their frequent flier miles, and there's the answer from them.



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