Monday, June 28, 2004


TILWISHBW (acr) (an Acronym): 1. An acronym for Things I Learned While I Should Have Been Working.

I know, I know. You're at work, you're supposed to work. I know that this makes sense on some level, but the day to day of it has always managed to elude me. I have a few (and their numbers are dying) friends who actually can do this - get in to work at 9, do what they're supposed to do until 12, take a 30 minute lunch, and then get back to the office and work until 5.

I sometimes wonder if I'm broken because I simply can't do this seemingly simple thing.

At any rate, given the earlier understanding of the complete impossibility of doing 7.5 hours of work per day (6.75 if you're a smoker), I have made it a fervent goal to help the spreading movement of nonproductivity by providing a forum for collected research on what to do instead. I'll make some periodic notes here under the heading of TILWISHBW, knowing that from the perspective of work, this is a definite foray into the field of whiffing.



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